Ansatz zur Entwicklung seniorengerechter Mobilitätssysteme unter Berücksichtigung technischer und sozialer Anforderungen
Year: 2011
Editor: Krause, D.; Paetzold, K.; Wartzack, S.
Author: Schmidt, Johanna; Karl, Ines; Paetzold, Kristin; Färber, Berthold
Section: Prozessunterstützung
Page(s): 57-66
Age-related limitations of cognitive, sensory or motor functions often restrict the mobility of elderly people. Technical devices are able to compensate for these limitations and can preserve the radius of mobility. But elderly people often do not accept technical devices to support them and hence do not use them. In order to design accepted products designers have to know the users’ needs and their criteria for acceptance. The products must be adaptable to the various limitations that can influence mobility in older age and to the changing needs due to progressive age-related diseases. This paper suggests an approach for the inclusion of these aspects into the product development process for the development of products that support mobility.