Handlungsempfehlungen für die Produktentwicklung nicht-idealer bewegter technischer Systeme
Year: 2011
Editor: Krause, D.; Paetzold, K.; Wartzack, S.
Author: Walter, Michael; Wartzack, Sandro
Section: Robust Design
Page(s): 171-182
The success of a product’s development is essentially affected by its functionality. So the product developer has to ensure the functionality as early as possible. In the case of a non-ideal system a tolerance analysis is performed to analyze the effect of deviations, deformations etc. on a functional key characteristic. However, the product developer has to draw the right conclusions based on the results of the tolerance analysis. In this paper an approach (using Taguchi’s quality loss function) is presented that enables the product developer to analyze these results and to deduce appropriate measures to ensure the functionality by achieving a more robust design.