Product Development Education - Conceptual Modelling, Knowledge Integration and Metacognition
Year: 2012
Editor: Lyndon Buck, Geert Frateur, William Ion, Chris McMahon, Chris Baelus, Guido De Grande, Stijn Verwulgen
Author: Juuti, Tero Sakari; Lehtonen, Timo Artturi; Johanna R, Kaisu
Series: E&PDE
Institution: 1: Tampere University of Technology, Finland; 2: University of Eastern Finland
Section: Design Methods - Modelling
Page(s): 083-088
ISBN: 978-1-904670-36-0
This paper concentrates on building up a model of how existing knowledge can be learned and applied successfully in new product development. Our case based research draws upon constructivist learning theory, on conceptual change theory combined with findings in cognitive neuroscience. Describing the cases and theoretical development we build the model that focuses on existing knowledge as network, knowledge building, knowledge representation and procedural knowledge. We have achieved better learning result by teaching the subject as visualised elements and relationships between the elements as a model. The simulation game involves multiple memory types and facilitates knowledge integration when the learning process consists of doing, time for reflecting, discussion on the concepts and their meanings. When the students can apply knowledge based on experiences within minutes the neural connections strengthen. Time needs to be reserved also for metacognitive activities, such as making conscious choices on problem solving rather than using rote learning and procedural skills.
Keywords: Systemic knowledge, metacognitive skills, concept mapping, simulation games