Tolerance analysis of mechanism taking into account the interactions between deviations using meta-models
Year: 2012
Editor: Assoc. Prof. Poul Kyvsgaard Hansen, Professor John Rasmussen, Assoc. Prof. Kaj A. Jřrgensen, Assoc. Prof. Christian Tollestrup
Author: Walter, Michael; Sprügel, Tobias; Wartzack, Sandro
Series: NordDESIGN
Institution: 1: Aalborg University, Denmark; 2: Design Society, United Kingdom
ISBN: 978-87-91831-51-5
A product’s functionality depends largely on the interaction of its components and their geometries. Hence, tolerance analyses are used to determine the effects of deviations on a functional key characteristic – also for mechanism. However, possible interactions between the different deviations and the resulting effects among themselves as well as on the functional key characteristics are not considered yet. This paper considers the extension of an existing “integrated tolerance analysis of systems in motion” approach in detail: The integration of meta-models, which represent the interactions, into the system’s functional relationship. Therefore different meta-modeling techniques as well as validation techniques are used. Consequently a recommendation can be derived, how the product developer can achieve a high prediction quality of the meta-models and therefore a reliable tolerance analysis of mechanism taking into account the appearing interactions.
Keywords: tolerance analysis, mechanism, meta-modeling, data-mining, cross-validation.