The significance of the secondary user experience when designing for medical diagnostics
DS 85-1: Proceedings of NordDesign 2016, Volume 1, Trondheim, Norway, 10th - 12th August 2016
Year: 2016
Editor: Boks, Casper; Sigurjonsson, Johannes; Steinert, Martin; Vis, Carlijn; Wulvik, Andreas
Author: Angell, Sigrid Kjosavik; Keitsch, Martina; Sigurjónsson, Johannes
Series: NordDESIGN
Institution: NTNU, Norway
Section: Healthcare and Welfare Design
Page(s): 278-287
ISBN: 978-1-904670-80-3
Products within the category medical diagnostic equipment have a hierarchy of users, each with their own needs and experiences with the product. Hypothesising that the patients are neglected in the design process of these products, this study explores if this is so and if they should be given more consideration. Mammography is used as a case because of the interesting dynamics between the radiographer and the women undergoing the examination, and their respective user experiences. User experience goes beyond usability, and there is no fixed template or predetermined solution for ‘good user experience’. The Patient-user experience includes their own direct experience with the product as well as the co-experience with the radiographer or other medical professional. In addition, the patient has a transferred experience from the radiographer’s direct experience. When designing for medical diagnostics several aspects need to be considered in order to elevate today’s solutions and get higher quality results, better work environments and an altogether better experience for the patients.The discussion of this contribution evaluates how far findings from the case example are transferrable to other diagnostic Equipment products.
Keywords: User experience, secondary user, mammography, diagnostic equipment