University of Niš as a Supraregional Academic Education Center for Product Development in South East Europe
Year: 2009
Editor: Norell Bergendahl, M.; Grimheden, M.; Leifer, L.; Skogstad, P.; Lindemann, U.
Author: Albers, Albert; Norbert, Burkardt; Claudia, Becke
Series: ICED
Section: Design Education and Lifelong Learning
Page(s): 125-136
After the war in former Yugoslavia stability and academic education needed to be reconstructed. This is focused by the DAAD program "Academic Reconstruction South East Europe". It is financed within the Stability Pact for South East Europe. A cooperation between the University Karlsruhe (TH) and 8 universities in South East Europe was founded. To reconstruct and to improve the curricula a joint education module on Product Development based on the Karlsruhe Education Model for Product Development (KaLeP) was created. At University Nis in Serbia a supraregional center for product development was built: Machines Development and Construction Center (CERP). It fits the needs of a curriculum according KaLeP and it supports the integration of project work into academic education leading to a development of key competencies of future engineers. CERP has team workspaces for students to ensure a realistic working environment. KaLeP courses are held at CERP, students and professors from partner universities travel to Nis to attend the courses. CERP is giving students the possibility to improve their academic education. In this paper CERP will be presented and its curricula will be explained.
Keywords: engineering, education, south east Europe, reconstruction, internationalization, globalization, students, soft skills, professional skills, kalep, team work, project work