The Collaborative Iron Triangle: A New Tool for Supporting a Project-Culture-Aware Management in Interorganizational R&D Projects
DS 116: Proceedings of the DESIGN2022 17th International Design Conference
Year: 2022
Editor: Mario Štorga, Stanko Škec, Tomislav Martinec, Dorian Marjanović
Author: Katharina Dieterich (1), Dieter Spath (1,2), Peter Ohlhausen (2,3)
Series: DESIGN
Institution: 1: University of Stuttgart, Germany; 2: Fraunhofer IAO, Germany; 3: Reutlingen University, Germany
Section: Organisation, Collaboration and Management
Page(s): 141-150
DOI number:
ISSN: 2732-527X (Online)
Since project managers still face problems in managing interorganizational R&D projects, it is a promising approach to manage these projects project-culturally-aware. However, an important prerequisite for a project-culture-aware management is that the involved individual organizations pursue a collaborative strategy. Therefore, our article provides a conceptual approach including a new tool, the Collaborative Iron Triangle, which supports both project sponsors and managers in different phases of the collaboration process to pursue a collaborative strategy in interorganizational R&D projects.
Keywords: open innovation, project management, collaborative design, management tool, collaborative iron triangle