Tailoring a Project Risk Management Tool through Co-Design: Managing Risk in the Fuzzy Front-End of Construction Project Design
DS 116: Proceedings of the DESIGN2022 17th International Design Conference
Year: 2022
Editor: Mario Štorga, Stanko Škec, Tomislav Martinec, Dorian Marjanović
Author: Andreas Claus Hansen (1,2), Pelle Lundquist Willumsen (1), Josef Oehmen (1)
Series: DESIGN
Institution: 1: Technical University of Denmark, Denmark; 2: Bygningsstyrelsen, Denmark
Section: Organisation, Collaboration and Management
Page(s): 191-200
DOI number: https://doi.org/10.1017/pds.2022.21
ISSN: 2732-527X (Online)
The objectives and scope of a construction project is defined in the early design stage, the fuzzy front-end. This stage is crucial for project risk management and success, but traditional risk management tend to focus on operational risk in later design stages. This action research study leverages co-design methodology and the project management actuality perspective to tailor a risk management process for the fuzzy front-end of construction projects in a large client organization. The co-design process help enchance stakeholder value perception of the designed solution.
Keywords: co-design, risk management, design process, actuality perspective, action research