DS 73-1 Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Design Creativity Volume 1
Year: 2012
Editor: Duffy, A.; Nagai, Y.: Taura, T.
ISBN: 978-1-904670-39-1
Design Creativity is a challenging but core topic of study in design. It encapsulates the essence of originality of new concepts and the evolution of our society.These proceedings present articles of the second conference on Design Creativity (ICDC 2012). The aim of the biennial conference is to provide an international forum to present and discuss the latest findings in the nature and potential of design creativity from both theoretical and methodological viewpoints. ICDC is an official conference promoted by the Design Creativity Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Design Society.
Table of Contents
Design Cognition Differences When Using Structured and Unstructured Concept Generation Creativity Techniques
Gero, J. S.; Jiang, H.; Williams, C. B. -
Creative Processes in Groups – Relating Communication, Cognitive Processes and Solution Ideas
Farzaneh, H. H.; Kaiser, M. K.; Lindemann, U. -
Physical Examples in Engineering Idea Generation: an Experimental Investigation
Viswanathan, V.; Linsey, J. -
Cognitive Load Management and Architectural Design Outcomes
Mohamed-Ahmed, A.; Bonnardel, N.; Côté, P.; Tremblay, S. -
Using AI to Evaluate Creative Designs
Maher, M. L.; Fisher, D. H. -
Dubious Role of Formal Creativity Techniques in Professional Design
Laakso, M.; Liikkanen, L. A. -
Toward a Constrating Oriented Pragmatism Understanding of Design Creativity
Biskjaer, M. M.; Dalsgaard, P. -
Creativity, Surprise & Design: An Introduction and Investigation
Brown, D. C. -
Play, Autonomy and the Creative Process
Loudon, G. H.; Deininger, G. M.; Gordon, B. S. -
The Design of Narrative Jewelry as a Perception in Action Process
Pereira, Á.; Tschimmel, K. -
The Investigation on the Effects of Prior Experience on the Product Designers‘ Creativity
Yuan, X.; Chiu, W.; Lee, J.; Wu, Y. -
Enhancing the Understanding of Statistical Data Through the Creation of Physical Objects
Gwilt, I.; Yoxall, A.; Sano, K. -
Influences of Design Tools on Concepts Generation
Annamalai Vasantha, G.V.; Chakrabarti, A.; Corney, J. -
Consideration of Material Behaviour in the Creative Design Process: A Perspective from Structural Engineering
Hay, T.J; Lee, D; Larsen, O.P -
Variation in Creative Behaviour During the Later Stages of the Design Process
Snider, C. M.; Cash, P. J.; Dekoninck, E. A.; Culley, S. J. -
"Critical Mass of Ideas": A Model of Incubation in Brainstorming
Sosa, R.; Gero, J. S. -
Collaborative Stimulation of Memory Retrieval in Creative Design
Sauder, J.; Jin, Y. -
The Language of Abduction in Choosing Innovation
Dong, A.; Mounarath, R.; Lovallo, D. -
Find Your Inspiration: Exploring Different Levels of Abstraction in Textual Stimuli
Gonalves, M.; Cardoso, C.; Badke-Schaub, P. -
A Visual Representation to Characterize Moment to Moment Concept Generation in Design Teams
Sonalkar, N. S.; Mabogunje, A. O.; Leifer, L. J. -
Amabile‘s Consensual Assessment Technique: Why Has It Not Been Used more in Design Creativity Research?
Jeffries, K. K. -
Situated Creativity Inspired in Parametric Design Environments
Yu, R.; Gu, N.; Ostwald, M. -
A Proposal of Metrics to Assess the Creativity of Designed Services
Borgianni, Y.; Cascini, G.; Rotini, F. -
Situated Design Thinking: Experientially Based Design Approaches
Tan, B. -
Creativity in Car Design – The Behaviour at the Edges
Dowlen, C. -
Cultural drivers in product development: an historical case study
Wodehouse, A. J.; Tindley, A. -
How Design Theories Support Creativity – An Historical Perspective
Le Masson, P.; Hatchuel, A.; Wei, B. -
Perceptions of Creativity amongst University Design Tutors
Jones, P.; Rodgers, P. A.; Nicholl, B. -
Characterizing activities that promote ideation – Survey construction targeting reflictive pRactices
Currano, R. M.; Steinert, M. -
Fewer Constraints More Creativity? Insights from an Educational Science Fiction Project
Thoring, K.; Mueller, R. M. -
Creativity in craft led design: the Tools are the rules
MacLachlan, L.; Earl, C.; Eckert, C.